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Ministry Provided
- Personal, Biblical prayer for healing by teams of trained volunteers including laying-on-of-hands and anointing with oil.
- Mobile healing teams who pray for those who physically cannot come to the Healing Rooms such as those who are in hospitals or homebound.
- Pray over prayer requests for healing submitted by phone or e-mail.
- Training on healing including Healing Rooms Ministry Team Training, special courses, seminars and conferences on healing.
- Mentoring on healing ministry.
- Referrals to other partner ministries for in-depth inner healing and deliverance.
- Free healing resources: handouts on the Scriptural basis of healing and how to keep your healing.
- Books, audio, and video resources on healing for purchase.
- Opportunities to serve including: prayer ministry team member, intercessor, intercessory worship musician/psalmist, administration and helps
Discover God’s Healing Power